Still using acid, NO MORE acid. Syntech, our patented synthetic cleaner is the only proven safe and effective acid replacement system.
~~ No more Injuries, No more Fumes, No more paint jobs, No more PPE, No more damage, No more pointless repairs, NO MORE ACID!!!!
Syntech dissolves 10% more concrete than murriatic acid. Still, all that potency comes with a triple-zero HMIS score which makes our washes safe on skin, trucks, and safe to store where you wish.
Many companies claim to have “non-acid” cleaners. But what they don’t tell you is every year they change the names of the cleaners slightly and pay fines every year to the EPA, which they are fine with. Many companies claim to have “safe, non acid cleaners”, but if that’s the case, why are there so many restrictions on how and when you can use their product, that is, if they tell you, many times they don’t and you would have to read the product label to see them.
Unlike every other concrete remover on the market, our’s is a true pH of 0 and a true triple-zero HMIS score. many people don’t know other companies with glycolic acids (backset, liquid hammer, bioshine, Kwiksand, Sandstorm, Cretedissolve) will claim the HMIS score is 1-0-0 but it’s actually 2-0-0. Companies with phosphoric acid (Vison, RightOff 400, RightOff 650, Rustgone) claim to have a HMIS score of 1-0-0, but actually it’s 3-0-0. It’s amazing how they get away with that and never tell their customers that.
With Synpro’s Truck wash and Wax and our Concrete Remover, you get the following:
- Patented and powerful technology works on the toughest cleaning assignments
- Potential cost savings by complying with environmental regulations or avoiding fines
- Protecting your workforce from harsh chemicals may increase days worked, reduce Worker’s Compensation Claims, and improve employee moral
- Protecting your equipment from harsh chemicals (Hydrochloric, blended, Phosphoric, Buffered, and Glycolic acids) will increase useful life and reduce repair costsPotentially eliminates the need for expensive post-cleaning water catchment systems
- Reduces the environmental impact of cleaning solutions
- Potential cost savings by using highly concentrated solutions that allow for dilution of the product to suit specific tasks
- Improves productivity by eliminating tedious and time-consuming multi-step cleaning processes
- Keeps your equipment in top condition
- Generate positive public perception by implementing environmentally friendly practice
Plus these benefits:
- Patented and powerful technology works on the toughest cleaning assignments
- Triple zero Hazardous Materials Information System score
- 100% biodegradable
- Meets the stringent EPA direct release guidelines for 10 day biodegradation
- Non-regulated by the D.O.T., TDG, IMO and IATA
- Non-fuming, non-skin irritant, non-corrosive, non-mutagenic
- Exceed OSHA inhalation requirement (29 CFR 1910.1200)
- Exceeds DEP restrictions regulating NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems)
- FDA approved as safe (GRAS)
- Many of our products are approved by the U.S. Military
- RM Concrete Truck Wash and Redi-Concrete Remove are guaranteed by Mack and Volvo trucks to not void your paint warranty
- Free of dyes, perfumes and preservatives
How to clean concrete off a ready mix truck, more importantly, off parts like the hopper and chute areas where there is a ton of wiring, or off the cab where using an acid will etch the glass, the answer is easy; use a non acid cleaner….You use Synpro’s Truck wash and Wax and Concrete Remover, the only OEM approved truck wash and concrete remover that you can use on the whole truck, bumper to bumper.