The theme for Q1: “Conventions & Committees”
* World of Concrete * National Ready Mix Concrete Association *ConAgg/ConExpo * OES committee.
Our mission is to get our products into every Ready-Mix, Concrete Pump and Pre-Cast company in the US. Not only are we the safest, but we are also the most effective way to clean and maintain your fleet & equipment.
Vegas, baby! I lost a few hundred dollars at the craps table, but the rest of the week was a success! If you visited our booth, you noticed that our focus with this convention was to highlight our Architectural and Decorative line of products – Masonry Cleaner, Degreaser, Pre-Grind and Ultra-Etch.
The weekend before the ConAgg/ConExpo, we attended the NRMCA convention. Extremely informative, and the direction the association is going is exciting. Their “Build with Strength” initiative is awesome and hits on Synpro’s agenda to safely & fiscally manage and maintain your fleet & drivers.
(Those guys have it right – every four years, and lets do it in Vegas!)
I lost a few hundred at the craps table (again!), but well worth it!
Our products received rave reviews – most popular being the Concrete Remover, Fusion, Truck Wash & Wax, and Aluminum Brightener.
Because of the volume, we are offering a limited time, 20% discount on all purchases. (email to request a catalog of all products)
We have also been invited to join the NRMCA OES committee meeting, “Environment Operations and Safety”, April 10-12 in Dallas, TX. The emphasis of this meeting is to establish best practices. We are looking forward to participating in these very important topics and hope to provide valuable market insight as the OES committee strives to make the concrete business safer & more successful for everyone.
The rain is gone, back to business!
Please reach out to me to schedule a demo for our Ready Mix products or for more information & pricing. Please note: we are currently booked up for demo’s in April.