It’s no secret that currently finding drivers, especially quality drivers is priceless. I get asked often when I visit client plants, the “drivers wanted” signs are easily seen on mixers on the road. I recently talked with some people at the NRMCA and they provided some recruiting tools that I think, if used correctly could help recruit new drivers for your company and to introduce new potential drivers to the industry and the day-to-day responsibilities of being a professional concrete mixer truck driver.. There are three video options and two radio ad options that I’ll go over…
- Nine-Minute “Day in the Life of a Mixer Driver” Video: This video can help
to acquaint potential commercial drivers to the industry and what their day-today roles and responsibilities will be. This video is especially helpful for
potential mixer driver employees to view on your website or during an
interview or during your onboarding process so that they can fully understand
the job’s scope and the benefits of being a driver for the ready mixed concrete
2. Two-Minute, Twenty-Second “Day in the Life of a Mixer Driver” Video:
This is a shorter version of the video noted above. It is suitable for your
website as well as use in recruiting and job fairs.
3.Thirty-Second “Driver Promo” Video Clip: This clip was prepared as a
promotional piece for these resources and may be of use to concrete
producers, such as on their website.
4. Audio for a Thirty-Second Radio Spot: Producers may add their company
name and contact information for use at radio stations in their service areas.
Note: audio provided is less than 30 seconds providing “time” to add contact
5. Audio for a Sixty-Second Radio Spot: Producers may add their company
name and contact information for use at radio stations in their service areas.
Note: audio provided is less than 60 seconds providing “time” to add contact
Per the NRMCA: While concrete producers may add their company name, logo and contact
information, where appropriate, to these resources, we ask that they not be
edited further without permission.
Jason Irwin